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If you’re anything like me, you probably struggle to get a good night’s sleep pretty often. Between work, friends, media and more, it can feel like there’s not much time for rest in our lives. And for most of us, that’s definitely true. It doesn’t help that our awareness of the importance of sleep has increased substantially over the years. We know now that getting enough rest is crucial for maintaining many aspects of our health and well-being. While most people are aware of the importance of sleep, few understand the distinction between different types of rest. Fortunately, with a little bit of education on non-sleep deep rest, you can make sure you get everything your body needs to thrive and stay happy every day.

What is Non-Sleep Deep Rest?

Simply put, non-sleep deep rest is the type of rest that occurs when you are not in a sleeping state. This can happen during a nap, or when you are meditating or doing yoga. Non-sleep deep rest is actually just as important as sleep when it comes to recharging your energy and restoring your body. That’s because you can actually get some of the same benefits from non-sleep deep rest as you do from sleep, including reduced stress and cortisol levels, reduced blood pressure, and even reduced blood sugar levels. Plus, you can get non-sleep deep rest in a lot of different ways, whereas sleep can only happen when you are actually in bed and completely relaxed. That’s why non-sleep deep rest is such a great resource to have, especially if you don’t sleep well enough to meet your body’s needs.

How to get non-sleep deep rest

The first step to getting non-sleep deep rest is to make sure you’re well hydrated. This can actually help you sleep better too, especially if you’re someone who has trouble falling asleep. Next, you want to get yourself into a comfortable position — lying down or sitting up with your eyes closed. You might also consider using some soothing music or scents to help you relax even further. And lastly, make sure to take breaks when you start to feel too tired. You can get a lot out of a nap or a little bit of time spent meditating, which is why it’s important not to overdo it.

What happens when you don’t have Non-Sleep Deep Rest?

Unfortunately, when you don’t get enough rest — whether that’s sleep or non-sleep deep rest — you can experience a lot of different issues. For starters, you’re more likely to feel stressed and anxious, and you may find it harder to focus on things. You’re also more likely to get sick and may notice some weight gain as a result. Over time, these issues can seriously take a toll on your health and happiness.

How to make the most of Non-Sleep Deep Rest

To make the most of non-sleep deep rest, you want to make sure that you’re doing it right. Ideally you’ll be getting between two and four hours of rest each day, so that you can make up for any sleep you might miss. When you are resting, make sure you’re doing it in an environment that is as stress-free as possible. Try to minimize distractions so that you can fully relax, and focus on feeling reenergized and relaxed. You can also focus on specific goals or problems you’re trying to work through, which can also help make rest and relaxation more effective.


Hopefully, by now you understand the importance of non-sleep deep rest and know how to make the most of it. Resting is a crucial part of staying happy and healthy, and you want to make sure you’re getting enough of it, whether you’re sleeping or not. Hopefully, this article has helped you understand the difference between sleeping and non-sleep deep rest, and how they can benefit you in different ways.

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